
Tuesday, May 01, 2007

FAA calls for new ice protection system rules for transport aircraft

FAAThe U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) calling for the installation of warning systems on transport category aircraft that would alert crews to conditions that could lead to airframe icing, prompting activation of deicing systems.

The summary of the NPRM says:
The Federal Aviation Administration proposes to amend the airworthiness standards applicable to transport category airplanes certificated for flight in icing conditions. The proposed standards would require a means to ensure timely activation of the airframe ice protection system. This proposed regulation is the result of information gathered from a review of icing accidents and incidents, and is intended to improve the level of safety for new airplane designs for operations in icing conditions. [Docket No. FAA–2007–27654; Notice No.07–07]
Click here to download the entire document. (9-page 'pdf' file.)

The FAA is inviting comments from 'interested persons.' Comments must be submitted by July 25, 2007. The NPRM includes instructions for how and where to submit comments.