
Monday, August 20, 2007

AAIU: Preliminary report on Cessna Caravan crash in Galway

AAIU logoThe Air Accident Investigation Unit (AAIU) in Ireland has issued a preliminary accident report concerning the crash of a Cessna Caravan at Connemara, County Galway in early July of this year. The accident was fatal for the pilot and one passenger. Seven other passengers were injured. The aircraft was destroyed.

According to the AAIU preliminary report, no pre-impact damage to the aircraft has been identified thus far:
The aircraft, controls, systems and instrumentation are being examined by the AAIU. The power plant has been disassembled and no pre-impact damage was found. At this point no significant technical defects have been found, however, further investigation of the aircraft and systems is ongoing.

The Engine Monitoring Unit, an electronic device that records engine parameters, altitude and speed, was found in a damaged condition. However, data has since been recovered from the Unit and this is currently being evaluated by the AAIU. [AAIU Report No. 2007-014]
The report included observations from witnesses to the accident who said that the aircraft approached Inverin Airport at low altitude, struck a small outcrop, bounced, and cartwheeled to the left.
The left wing severed coming to rest on the right hand side of the fuselage. The engine detached and came to rest on the top of the right wing, which was still attached at the main spar point. There was no fire.

Witnesses reported the sounds of an engine increasing power shortly before impact. [AAIU Report No. 2007-014]
Weather conditions were reported to have been "overcast and dark."

A final report will be issued once the AAIU investigation has been completed.

Source: AAIU Preliminary Accident Report No. 2007-014. (3-page 'pdf' file)