
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Gulf Air increases pilot pay and benefits

Gulf Air logoPilots at Gulf Air will be getting larger paychecks soon. Captains will have their pay increased up to 50%, and first officers will receive raises of up to 70% in a plan approved by the Gulf Air board earlier this week.

According to an article in the Gulf Daily News about the new pay package for Gulf Air crews, this will give captains a basic monthly salary of BD 3,000, and first officers BD 2,100. The new pay package for pilots includes significant increases to housing and schooling allowances as well.

The Gulf Daily News reports:
It is understood that 100 to 150 pilots and first officers have resigned for better packages with rivals, since Gulf Air announced its cost-cutting recovery plan in April, to curb losses of at least $1 million a day (BD 378,000).
A new seniority system will be introduced, along with a performance appraisal system. Cabin crew pay and allowances will increase as well.

Mahmood Al Kooheji, chairman of Gulf Air, said, "We are moving ahead full steam with the realignment of Gulf Air and this improved package is our appreciation for the flight deck and cabin crews' hard work, dedication and commitment to further strengthen the Gulf Air brand."