
Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Breaking News: Aviation legend Steve Fossett is missing

Steve FossettA search is underway in Nevada for legendary aviator Steve Fossett, who has not been seen since yesterday morning when he took off in a light plane from an airstrip at a ranch about 70 miles southeast of Reno. Mr. Fossett, 63, was flying alone in a single engine aircraft, which AVweb identifies as a Citabria Super Decathlon.

Numerous aircraft are searching over a wide area for Fossett and his plane. He apparently did not file a flight plan, and no one seems to know exactly where he was headed. Various news reports have said that he had enough fuel for about four or five hours of flight.

Steve Fossett was inducted into the National Aviation Hall of Fame in July. He holds many aviation records, piloting balloons and gliders, as well as powered aircraft.

I'll post any new developments to this story here, keeping fingers crossed meanwhile that Mr. Fossett is safe and will be found soon.

[Photo Source]