
Saturday, February 23, 2008

Videos: Bumpy landings

From time to time, readers send interesting links and other information to me, and once in awhile it's something to me that I just have to share. This time it's a short video of what starts out as a crosswind landing, and ends up as a very bumpy hard landing indeed at London City Airport (LCY) by a Swiss Avro RJ. I know the runway at LCY is short, but YIKES!

(If the video does not play or display properly above, click here to view the 'very bumpy landing' video on YouTube.)

While I was on the YouTube website, I also noticed this video of a very bumpy landing, too:

(If the video does not play or display properly above, click here to view 'a very bumpy landing' on YouTube.)

A tip of the hat to the reader who sent me the link to the first video.
UPDATE Mar. 3, 2008: Did you happen to see the TV news reports of the Lufthansa A320 attempting to land at Hamburg in incredibly gusty crosswinds? If you didn't see this one, click on over to this post to view the video.