
Saturday, March 29, 2008

Video: Possible scenario for pilot's accidental discharge of his firearm

By now, I'm sure that everyone has heard about the incident in which a US Airways pilot's firearm accidentally discharged during flight. The pilot, who was trained through the TSA's Federal Flight Deck Officer program, was authorized to have the sidearm in the cockpit. The question on everyone's mind is: How could this accidental firing of the weapon have happened?

A reader sent me the link to this interesting YouTube video that suggests one possible scenario. Produced by a man whose blog profile says he is a licensed private detective and former Chicago policeman, the video is a narrated demonstration of how the firearm incident might have happened.

Keeping in mind that the scenario in the video is conjecture, it does pose what appears to be a plausible explanation of what might have happened. I am wondering if this explanation makes logical sense to those who are actually familiar with this particular firearm. Comments are welcome.

(If the video does not display or play properly above, click here to view it on YouTube.)

Tip of the hat to the reader who sent me the link, and to Paul Huebl, who produced the video. Click here to visit Paul Huebl's website.