
Sunday, November 02, 2008

Air Pacific eliminates compulsory retirement age for cabin crew

Air PacificCabin crew at Fiji-based Air Pacific will no longer be forced to retire at age 45. The airline management and the Transport Workers Union "have settled the matter and the compulsory retirement age for staff at all levels will be removed from the collective agreements," according to an article on Compulsory retirement age had been an issue of contention in a legal case the Transport Workers Union filed against Air Pacific.

Although the compulsory retirement age complaint has been settled, the Transport Workers Union still wants the Fiji Court of Appeal to address other matters of disagreement between the union and the airline, including issues such as working hours and crew complement. Finally, the union has asked the Appeals Court to rule as well on Air Pacific's practice of suspending cabin crew who are overweight or have blemishes. The Union contends that these practices are "unconstitutional" under the collective bargaining agreement.