
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Video tribute to the crew of Colgan Air Flight 3407

This video memorializes the crew of Colgan Air Flight 3407, who perished along with 45 others when their aircraft crashed while on approach to Buffalo on February 12, 2009. Captain Marvin Renslow, First Officer Rebecca Shaw, Flight Attendant Matilda Quintero, and Flight Attendant Donna Prisco were working the flight; off-duty Captain Joseph Zuffoletto was a passenger. The video is a nice reminder that those five crew members were real people with real lives -- not just names on an accident report.

If the video does not play or display properly above, click here to view it on YouTube.

Hat tips to YouTube user tdonohue and Twitter user @FoxWhisperer.

RELATED: Click here to view all posts about Colgan Air Flt 3407 on Aircrew Buzz.