
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Aircrew Buzz will be back soon!

For some reason, I guess I thought no one would notice or really care if Aircrew Buzz took an unannounced break. Not so.

I've been receiving quite a few messages via email, Twitter, and the blog's contact form asking a) if I'm okay, and b) when there will be some new material posted to Aircrew Buzz.

Well, I am okay (but thanks for asking). I just needed to take some time away from blogging in order to focus my full attention on some other things.  You know... the kinds of things that pay the bills!

During the hiatus, and behind the scenes,  Aircrew Buzz is undergoing a redesign and reorganization.  I'm hopeful that the redesign will be complete at about the same time that I am free and can begin posting here again.  Meanwhile, thanks so much for your concern, and for your patience.

By the way, I am still finding a little time each day to tweet some aviation news headlines on Twitter.  Even if you're not on Twitter or you don't follow me there, you can still look at the page with my feed:

Again, thanks!  See you soon. ;-)