
Sunday, August 15, 2010

Unique Jeppesen Approach Plate: The Hudson Miracle Approach

by B. N. Sullivan

Several days ago, a pilot friend sent me an email with a most interesting attachment. It seems that Jeppesen, the universally well-known publisher of aeronautical charts, had produced a special edition approach chart, detailing the Hudson Miracle Approach, as performed by the crew of Cactus 1549, the US Airways A320 that famously and successfully ditched in the Hudson River on January 15, 2009.  I'm told that the approach plate was handed out  at  the EAA AirVenture 2010 at Oshkosh, during the auction.

Truly a collector's item, the approach plate honors the five crew members of US Airways Flight 1549 by naming intersections after them, and noting their full names and experience in the box at the lower right.

If you'd like to save or print this keeper, click on the image below for a larger version, or visit:

Great big thank you to Jeppesen for creating this wonderful keepsake, and to my friend Tam for passing it along to me.